Call to Action – Get Your Hearing Screened!

What Is a Hearing Screening?

A hearing screening is a quick, easy and painless test that detects how well you hear sounds in each ear and identifies any hearing loss. Based on the results, further testing may be recommended. A screening can be performed by many types of medical professionals; however, should the screening indicate a hearing loss, an audiologist should be consulted as soon as possible for a full evaluation.

Did you know that individuals experiencing hearing loss wait seven years before seeking medical advice? Spending almost an entire decade without proper attention to hearing care can impact your overall quality of life. We want you to be healthy and happy, so we urge you to get your hearing screened by an audiologist or visit with an otolaryngologist.

Still unsure if you should take the next step, take this quiz provided by the National Institute on Deafness and Other Communication Disorders (NIDCD) to determine if you need a hearing test.

How We Can Help

We want to make it easy for you to take the first step on the road to better hearing health. Many of the 2020 Walk4Hearing locations have free, on-site hearing screenings and we encourage those who have put off getting a checkup to take advantage!

After you’ve taken this first step, encourage others to take control of their hearing health by sharing your experience on social media: Use  #screenURhearing and follow us on Twitter  @Walk4Hearing, Instagram  @hearinglossassociation, and Facebook  @Walk4Hearing.

Don’t Just Take Our Word for It

lady smiling while having her hearing screenedIn 2019, nearly 300 walkers took the challenge to get their hearing screened. This testimonial comes from Janice DeRosa from Team AB in North Carolina.

“I was excited to see the hearing screening van at the Walk4Hearing this year and was encouraged by my daughter, Chloe, to get my hearing tested. Chloe is deaf and has bilateral cochlear implants. The test was quick and fun and my results helped me see that I may need to seek out further testing with my ENT.”

–Janice DeRosa, North Carolina Walk4Hearing


We’re Making It Easy!

The Walk4Hearing is committed to encouraging everyone to be more proactive about their hearing health. If you have any questions about hearing screenings, please contact

Oval sticker that says, "I Got My Hearing Screened! Did You?"
Once you’ve taken that first step, please share your experience with us by tweeting @Walk4Hearing and using #screenURhearing! This encourages others be more mindful of their own hearing health.